Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I hope Ned Lamont ends Joe Lieberman's career

Joe Lieberman has been such a destructive force for the Democratic Party (in my lefty view). I've sent my twenty bucks over to Ned Lamont's campaign and have been making a few phone calls into Connecticut on his behalf as well.

Guess the Joe-mentum ran out of gas......

And the best part about the Lieberman campaign? Neither Barack Obama nor Dick Durbin went to Connecticut to campaign for him! Lots of Dem senators did (Boxer jumps to mind), but I like to think our guys were smart enough to put the need for a muscular, smart Democratic face above their personal friendship with the smarmy, moralizing, holier-than-thou incumbent. Senator Lieberman may be a nice guy, but his politics of rolling over for the Bush Administration on the invasion of Iraq symbolized D.C. squishiness. As Obama said at his kickoff event a few years ago, "Democrats get to Washington and they somehow lose their backbone!" That's why Lieberman has been bad for Democrats, and if he loses tomorrow, expect to see a lot more backbone in DC.


FightforJustice said...

Even when I didn't agree with him, I applaud Lieberman's civility and comity, something missing in today's partisan atmosphere.

Bill Baar said...

I'm proud to say I voted for Lieberman for VP.

Look at the demographics of who voted for him.

I know which side I'm on.

PDF file

There were distinct differences in the demographics of the Lamont and Lieberman vote, with Lamont doing the best among upscale, high income, highly educated voters. It would be premature to draw any definitive conclusions about the implications of this for either this November’s election, or for primaries in 2008. However, it is significant that Lamont did the best among traditionally high-turnout voters. These voters are among the most certain to vote in this November’s election, and are more likely than the average voter to participate in the primaries and caucuses in 2008.

Given the intense focus on the Iraq war in this race, it is interesting to note that there was a divergence in how voters connected to the military voted. Areas with highconcentrations of voters currently serving in the armed forces were more likely to support Lieberman, but areas with high concentrations of veterans were more likely to support Lamont.

DT said...

Hi respectful. Civility is missing? Where? From other democratic senators? From Lamont?

Mr Baar. Are you implying that the way to vote is to look up the demographics of a candidates supporters and vote based on how well you like the demographic descriptions? I think you are.

Bill Baar said...

It' Bill, and yes, I try and stick with the Walmart crowd. I'm at home there.

I respect their opinions.