Friday, May 13, 2005

The funniest thing on John Bolton.. . by Larry David

Arianna Huffington has a blog calling HuffingtonPost (John Cusack has a post on Hunter Thompson's funeral. . .what a cool guy. It's here), and the funniest thing written on John Bolton is here by Larry David.

It's called "Why I Support John Bolton" and it starts off like this:


I know this may not sound politically correct, but as someone who has abused and tormented employees and underlings for years, I am dismayed by all of this yammering directed at John Bolton. Let's face it, the people who are screaming the loudest at Bolton have never been a boss and have no idea what it’s like to deal with nitwits as dumb as themselves all day long. Why, even this morning my moronic assistant handed me a cup of coffee with way too much milk in it. I was incensed.

"You stupid ignoramus," I screamed, doing all I could to restrain myself from tossing the luke-warm liquid in her face. “There's too much freaking (I didn’t say freaking) milk in here! What the freak is wrong with you?!”


Anonymous said...

I so miss Seinfeld! Needed a laugh today thanks...

I've been reading your site, you impress me.

Anonymous said...

Kelli--watch Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO for more of the same laughs and DJW, you impress me too.

Anonymous said...

John Cusack is so damn cool...