Friday, December 31, 2004

Carol Marin's predictions for 2005

Carol Marin has her column in the Sun-Times today on 2005 predictions with one very depressing spin.

She writes:

Forget New Year's resolutions. Let's make some predictions. It's riskier but much more fun to climb out on a great big limb and forecast tomorrow's news today.

Let's start with what will happen on the federal front:

OK, so you figure she'll make some predictins about Wall Street brokers trying to get a cut of Social Security, or whether the military will invade another Syria, or some other federal policy.


The federal front means federal prosecution of allegedly corrupt Illinois officials, public and private.


She also has a pretty stringent definition of how Barack Obama's honeymoon will end:

Because this state's newest senator and national rising star Barack Obama still has occasional mortal moments, sometime this year he will disappoint someone who supported him and they will say so.

I somehow think that has already happened. I'll even be the first -- I'm disappointed that the campaign didn't have a big public send-off rally in Chicago. There. I'm someone who supported him and he disappointed me a little bit. And I'm saying so. Guess the honeymoon is over! (ha ha)

I think the disappointment here in the Capital of Blue America is likely to come from the role that Obama and Durbin and our new 10-9 Illinois Democratic congressional majority will be playing in D.C.: defense. There won't really be many big initiatives that our Democratic electeds will be able to pass into law in the next two years, and that's a downer. Time, once again, to work with our state and local electeds to bring liberty and justice for all in Illinois.

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