Monday, November 22, 2004

Feeling down? Get to work. Help elect a Dem in Louisiana before December 3rd

There are two elections in the House of Representatives that have not yet been decided, because Louisiana holds a runoff election. There were two open seats in Louisiana, and in neither case did a candidate earn a majority of the vote to avoid a runoff.

Billy Tauzin's kid is trying to take over his father's seat, running against Democratic candidate Charlie Melancon, for the Third District in southeastern Louisiana.

In the southwestern Louisiana Seventh District, Republican Charles Boustany, a retired heart surgeon, is running against Democratic state Senator Willie Mount.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is paying for food and lodging for anyone who would like to work on the Mount or Melancon campaign. Check out their website at

If you can take a few days off to work in Louisiana, please do. And if you want to help kick in to the DCCC to pay for the food and lodging of someone, donate to them. Or, just sponsor someone you know who can take a long weekend and work in Louisiana.

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