Sunday, November 07, 2004

What to do now? Make Blue American a better place to live

With the bad guys running D.C., what are we supposed to do?

Head to Springfield.

And City Hall.

And the County Building.

Make our Blue Illinois and Blue Cook County and Blue Chicago a better place to live with higher living standards than Red places.

Tim McFeeley of the Center for Policy Alternatives has a good column here arguing that progressives should make invest in state governments much more.

The Center for Policy Alternatives has a conference in December in D.C. on cutting-edge state legislation. I've decided to go to get some good ideas for the 2005 session. Anyone else want to go?

I'm headed to Springfield tomorrow morning, and I hope more people will start calling their state legislators and (even better) trying to help them pass better legislation.

How about indexing our minimum wage?

How about 5,000 more slots in the state's higher education system?

How about buying catastrphic health insurance for everyone through the state?

How about forcing the companies making money off our filthy coal power plants that give the rest of us lung problems and kill some old people to install modern, efficient pollution control equipment?

How about hiring more and better teachers for the kids who need it most?

Our state and local governments can deliver on all of this. So let's put more energy into the rest of our governments and not focus exclusively on the federal government.

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